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  • HOME | Myndware

    IS YOUR COMPANY PAPERLESS OR A DOCUMENT MESS ? Only digital documents is not enough. GET IN TOUCH NOW Take control of your documents wherever you are Extract intelligence from your documents with AI. Find your documents with Intelligent Search. Access your documents with security on any device. Be productive. Do it, anywhere. SEE WHO IS USING MYNDWARE THE SMART AND DYNAMIC SOLUTION FOR THE LIFECYCLE OF YOUR CONTRACTS Securely upload and control your intelligent documents and access them anywhere you are. Learn more CONTACT US A one-stop shop of smart features. Smart docs from anywhere in any device. Full invoices and contracts control ​ . Smart recognition and rearrange of documents and data in your devices with artificial intelligence Sign your documents from anywhere . THE SMARTEST SOLUTION FOR CONTRACT LIFECYCLE MANAGEMENT All in one cloud or on-premises Contract Management, Case Management, and Process Management. Learn more CONTACT US Looking for a different solution? ALL MYNDWARE PRODUCTS Go green Go paperless Nature provides us free lunch only if we know we are the only caretakers of this planet. Less paper, less deforestation. More trees to absorb carbon dioxide helping to slow down the global climate change. STOP THE CHAOS. GET IN TOUCH. First name E-mail Last name Subject Message Send Thank you! WEBINAR INTELLIGENT DOCUMENTS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Augusto Pissarra CEO Victor Lorena CTO Get your spot in the webinar

  • PRICING | Myndware

    PRICING Get Access to Our Pricing Let us know about your company, project and need. We will get in contact with you as soon as we can to talk and give your company the best solutions for your Document and Contract Management needs. First name Last name E-mail Subject Message Send Thank you!

  • Sign | Myndware

    SIGN Everything you need when signing your documents. Let them be contracts or project management digital documents. Sign is the solution for you. Digital Signature: Create or store, send and sign digital documents Contract Lifecycle Management: Full workflow automation of any type of agreement, with integration and automatic contract creation. CONTACT US A REAL PROBLEM All in one cloud or on-premises Contract Management, Case Management, and Process Management. cannot find documents working remotely have to recreate documents use personal file-sharing software to share company data do not re-use or take advantage of information coming from document and process management This causes a huge loss of information and productivity, wasting time and money. Extract intelligence from your documents with AI Find your documents with Intelligent Search Access your documents with security on any device Do it, anywhere CONTACT US Go green Go paperless Nature provides us free lunch only if we know we are the only caretakers of this planet. Less paper, less deforestation. More trees to absorb carbon dioxide helping to slow down the global climate change. Still not found what you are looking for? We make new solutions for any size of your business. Upload documents from any place Recognizing and interpreting files with artificial intelligence Precise and quick deliveries for your searches Get full control over processes and contracts Digitally sign documents wherever you are SEE ALL PRODUCTS

  • Control | Myndware

    CONTROL Control your physical documents in from your Document Warehouse or even if your physical document is in a drawer Track where your physical documents and box of documents all in one place Ask new boxes from your warehouse and control where it is CONTACT US A FULL PHYSICAL DOCUMENT LIFECYCLE CONTROL A REAL PROBLEM All in one cloud or on-premises Contract Management, Case Management, and Process Management. cannot find documents working remotely have to recreate documents use personal file-sharing software to share company data do not re-use or take advantage of information coming from document and process management This causes a huge loss of information and productivity, wasting time and money. Go green Go paperless Nature provides us free lunch only if we know we are the only caretakers of this planet. Less paper, less deforestation. More trees to absorb carbon dioxide helping to slow down the global climate change. Still not found what you are looking for? We make new solutions for any size of your business. Upload documents from any place Recognizing and interpreting files with artificial intelligence Precise and quick deliveries for your searches Get full control over processes and contracts Digitally sign documents wherever you are SEE ALL PRODUCTS

  • WEBINAR | Myndware

    Next Myndware webinar INTELLIGENT DOCUMENTS WITH ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE You don't know what Artificial Intelligence is? Do you think Artificial Intelligence is too complicated and not for your company? Learn how easily and with no effort you can transform plain digital documents into intelligent documents using Artificial Intelligence. Take your company to the next level without any efforts. Presenters Augusto Pissarra CEO Victor Lorena CTO Get your spot Send Thank you!

  • MyndCripto | Myndware

    MyndCripto. O Sistema de Segurança Perfeito Extremamente seguro e fácil de usar. Fale conosco *Por 2 meses. Segurança Facilidade Conformidade Padrão Internacional MyndCripto é um grupo de aplicações desenvolvidas para sua empresa estarem 100% protegidos e em conformidade com as leis e normas internacionais de segurança da informação e privacidade digital. Fale conosco Modular Contrate apenas os módulos e sistema que precisa, reduzindo custos e tornando a gestão mais fácil e acessível. Fale conosco Entenda porque o MyndCripto é melhor SEGURANÇA Seus arquivos totalmente protegidos em qualquer ambiente, mesmo para quem tem equipes em home-office. Esta é sua última linha de defesa, depois que todas as demais falharem. CONFORMIDADE Conformidade legal (LGPD/GDPR) e corporativa (normas Bacen, ISO e outras) são imposições e questão de continuidade de negócio. Completo, com tudo que você precisa. SEGURANÇA Grande usabilidade e facilidade Criptografa arquivos em qualquer quantidade Criptografa arquivos acima de 4GB em sistemas de 32 bits Criptografa pastas e subpastas CERTIFICADOS DIGITAIS Criptografa por certificados digitais Tamanho máximo do certificado Tipo do certificado Aceita certificado ICP-BR Aceita certificados de AC públicas Importa e exporat certificados facilmente Certificado estocados na máquina do usuário Certificado do usuário está protegido de acesso Aceita certificados de CA's privadas Aceita certificados na Windows Store Aceita certificados self-signed Número limitado de chaves públicas (destinatários) CHAVES-SECRETAS Criptogra por chave-secreta Exige chave-secreta a cada abertura/descriptografia Permite chaves-secretas diferenciadas por arquivo FUNCIONALIDADE E SEGURANÇA Permite compartilhar arquivos isoladamente Compartilhar sem conhecimento do fabricante Verifica arquivo criptografado após codificar Permite verificar criador e pessoas autorizadas em arquivos Permite verificar integridade e autenticidade em arquivos Sanitiza arquivo-fonte automaticamente Deleta arquivo-fonte automaticamente Permite compressão de arquivo Permite cancelar a operação Fast-open nos arquivos criptografados Criptografa automaticamente ao fechar o arquivo Fast-open em pasta segura Permite manter a data-original do arquivo Não depende de "pastas seguras" Não exige cofre de dados Não permite abrir arquivos em smartphones Possui senha de acesso ao programa Possui 2º fator de autenticação ao programa ALGORÍTMOS Possui AES-CBC 256 bits Tamanha da chave Possui AES-XTS 128 bits Tamanho da chave Possui algorítmo "military-grade" (> 256 bits) Tamanho da chave Chaves calculadas PERFORMANCE Criptografia de aquivos (2.29 GB) Decriptografia de aquivos (2.29 GB) LEIS E ADICIONAIS Conformidade com LGPD e GDPR Conformidade com NIST-FIPS, ISSO-IEC, RTF Resistente às leis de monitoração / espionagem Programa ptotegido contra malware e invasões Permite autoria de código fonte Preço não indexado USD

  • Flow | Myndware

    FLOW The intelligent and dynamic solution for the life cycle of your contracts with traceability, AI data extraction, GDPR and Security. Create your smart contracts Control your compliance documents Save your external contracts Sign Digitally CONTACT US A REAL PROBLEM Remote Working Document Management Benchmark Report 2019 cannot find documents working remotely have to recreate documents use personal file-sharing software to share company data do not re-use or take advantage of information coming from document and process management This causes a huge loss of information and productivity, wasting time and money. EVERYTHING YOUR COMPANY NEEDS to control your intelligent contracts Smart contracts from any place and device. Complete and dynamic control of your contracts' lifecycle. Artificial intelligence to understand your processes. Hyper-automation of Processes. Sign your documents from anywhere. CONTACT US Go green Go paperless Nature provides us free lunch only if we know we are the only caretakers of this planet. Less paper, less deforestation. More trees to absorb carbon dioxide helping to slow down the global climate change. Still not found what you are looking for? We make new solutions for any size of your business. Upload documents from any place Recognizing and interpreting files with artificial intelligence Precise and quick deliveries for your searches Get full control over processes and contracts Digitally sign documents wherever you are SEE ALL PRODUCTS

  • Vault | Myndware

    Vault Smart recognition and rearrange of documents and data in your devices with artificial intelligence. Human Resources Contracts Project Management Compliance Invoices and Receipts CONTACT US PRODUCTIVITY AND SECURITY A REAL PROBLEM All in one cloud or on-premises Contract Management, Case Management, and Process Management. cannot find documents working remotely have to recreate documents use personal file-sharing software to share company data do not re-use or take advantage of information coming from document and process management This causes a huge loss of information and productivity, wasting time and money. Extract intelligence from your documents with AI Find your documents with Intelligent Search Access your documents with security on any device Do it, anywhere CONTACT US Go green Go paperless Nature provides us free lunch only if we know we are the only caretakers of this planet. Less paper, less deforestation. More trees to absorb carbon dioxide helping to slow down the global climate change. Still not found what you are looking for? We make new solutions for any size of your business. Upload documents from any place Recognizing and interpreting files with artificial intelligence Precise and quick deliveries for your searches Get full control over processes and contracts Digitally sign documents wherever you are SEE ALL PRODUCTS

  • PRODUCTS | Myndware

    Products VAULT ​ Upload securely and manage your documents intelligently from anywhere. ​ LEARN MORE myndcripto ​ The Perfect Security System. Extremely safe and easy to use. ​ ​ LEARN MORE FLOW ​ Control your contracts and compliance documents processes. ​ ​ LEARN MORE SIGN ​ Complete and secure digital signature solution for your company's documents and contracts. ​ ​ LEARN MORE CONTROL ​ Keep track of your physical documents and your document safekeeping warehouse (Document WMS). ​ ​ LEARN MORE CONTACT US

  • | Myndware

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